Peace & Social Justice
An important part of Quaker community includes education, outreach, and activism on critical issues facing the larger community. Our Peace & Social Justice committee is open to the whole Meeting. This means we don’t have a small group of Friends leading us in Peace & Social Justice activities; rather, we work on these together as a whole Meeting by:
- Educating ourselves on social justice topics through written materials and presentations by invited speakers
- Supporting individual Friends with their efforts in the larger community
- Including Peace & Social Justice on the agenda for discussion and reports on progress at every Monthly [Business] Meeting
- Writing letters monthly on Peace & Social Justice topics provided by the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL)
- Approving statements of support in solidarity with other Quaker organizations and in support of other outside organizations
- Donating annually to a host of organizations that reflect our Quaker values
- Appointing liaisons to bring issues and concerns to Monthly Meeting so we can take appropriate, supportive action
- Participating as an active member of the United Churches Assistance Network (UCAN) which offers financial and referral help to those in need in Northern Baltimore County.