Eight Online Resources for Spiritual Nourishment

Presented originally as a weekly series of resources for Friends during Covid, “so that in the midst of our isolation we can also find time to quiet ourselves, focus our attention on deepening our relationship with Spirit and nurturing our joy of being alive.  Many online resources offer a wide variety of information and experience to nurture our journey.”


QuakerSpeak is a Quaker YouTube channel. “We interview Friends of all different backgrounds and ask them the core questions of our faith. QuakerSpeak interviews are personal and intimate. We seek to give viewers worldwide an experience that is entertaining, informative, inspiring, challenging, inviting, unifying and collaborative.”

New videos come out every Thursday.  Here is the link:   quakerspeak.com

From Pendle Hill’s home page: "Find inspiration, guidance, and support for deepening your spiritual journey and fostering the Beloved Community through your personal, professional, and public life."

Their vision statement says, in part, “… to create peace with justice in the world by transforming lives.  (This vision) is moved forward in worship, presentations, weekend workshops and retreats, short courses, and remarkable conversations. People leave here with new insights and inspiration, and with heartfelt awareness that this deeply rooted community is a place they can return to again, and again."

While campus is closed due to Covid, they are streaming many programs and classes. They also have a wonderful online book store, home of their famous Pamphlet series and where you can purchase books you might not find anywhere else.  Their website is:   pendlehill.org

The Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation  “is grounded in Christian contemplative spirituality yet draws on the wisdom of many religious traditions. We provide resources for contemplative living, prayerful reading, invitations to silence, retreat weekends, online courses, speakers and events, and long-term programs for clergy seeking to go deeper, aspiring spiritual directors, contemplative retreat and prayer group leaders, and executives seeking to lead from the heart.

Here is Shalem’s website:   shalem.org

The Center for Action and Contemplation (CAC)’s founder is Fr. Richard Rohr, internationally known for his fresh and sometimes unique perspectives on religion and spirituality.  At Gunpowder, a Friend leads a monthly “Richard Rohr Discussion Group" where Fr. Richard's thoughts and writings are explored.  The CAC has recently said of its purpose and programming:

"One of the expressions of the radical nature of our work (is) our extensive inclusivity, bridging gaps within the spiritual and justice communities, building a rhythm of contemplative prayer and Zen meditation into our days, and even more fundamentally, believing that external behavior should be connected to and supported by inner guidance.

“We believe . . . that the power to be truly radical comes from trusting entirely in God’s grace and that such trust is the most radical action possible. We know one thing for certain: grace has brought us to this place and grace flows in and through and among us." 

The CAC offers a wide range of programs, retreats, residencies and online events.  Live programs are held around the country.  On-site and online programs feature some of the best religious and spiritual thinkers of our time.  We invite you to visit the Center for Action and Contemplation and quietly discern how the CAC may be inviting you to its offerings. The CAC website is:   cac.org.

From On Being Project’s home page:  “[We] began (in 2003) with a controversial idea for a public radio conversation, ‘Speaking of Faith’, that would treat the religious and spiritual aspects of life as seriously as we treat politics and economics.  What does it mean to be human, how do we want to live, and who will we be to each other?

“Over 17 years On Being has evolved into a multi-media source to nourish personal reflection, family and community discussions and for teaching and social repair. Our media space gathers people together across boundaries of age, race, geography, politics, and religion.”

The On Being Project website is:   onbeing.org

Spirituality and Health serves explorers on the journey to total aliveness.  Launched as a national magazine in 1998, Spirituality & Health is now a complete resource including printspiritualityhealth.com, podcasts, courses, travel, and events. We draw from the wisdom of many traditions and cultures with an emphasis on sharing practices. We look to science to help provide a context for the spiritual quest. We acknowledge that in our language the words “whole,” "health," and "holy" share a common root.  

“We cover a broad range of topics under the umbrella of health and spirituality, which can include:

  • faith, Eastern philosophy, meditation, and mainstream religion
  • nutrition, wellness, yoga, and holistic medicine
  • creativity, the inner life, social justice, and issues of conscience
  • public health, the human body, and the environment. 


Their website is:   spiritualityhealth.com

From Spirituality and Practice"Spirituality and practice are the two places where all the world's religions and spiritual paths come together. While respecting the differences among traditions, we celebrate what they share in common. We affirm interconnectedness and oneness as the true nature of reality. We acknowledge the active presence of Spirit in all aspects of everyday life."

Resources offered include information on Practices, a lexicon for Spiritual Literacy, E-Courses, Films, Books, Arts, Quotes and Blogs.

Their Board of Advisors include Cynthia Bourgeault, Parker Palmer, Joyce Rupp and Thomas Moore.

Their website is: spiritualityandpractice.com

The Spiritual Deepening Library of Friends General Conference “invites newcomers, individuals, and meetings to explore the questions that transform lives and take them deeper in the life of the Spirit. (Materials are developed for) individuals, small groups and children.  The Spiritual Deepening Library is a collection of resources, activities, exercises, and texts that support the processes of Grounding, Sharing, and Practicing. The materials were developed through a collaborative process involving Friends across diverse yearly meetings and backgrounds.”

Their website is:  https://www.fgcquaker.org/fgcresources/spiritual-deepening-library/