How the Work Gets Done
It has been Friends' experience that doing our business together carefully can unite us, especially when we seek Truth together, as a community. How we make our decisions matters more to us than what those decisions ultimately will be. This experience has led us to do the business of our community in a spirit of worship, listening to the still small voice within and listening carefully to each other throughout even the most seemingly mundane matters. We do not vote to make our decisions, because voting creates winners and losers, can be divisive, and destroys our ability to hear the wisdom in every person's search for Truth. Instead, we work closely together until we reach unity.
Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business
When you come to Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business, you will notice that we are led by two clerks: the Clerk of the Meeting and the Recording Clerk. The Clerk of the Meeting has two main tasks: first, to shepherd the Meeting in a way that maintains a worshipful spirit, even as we tend to our business together, and second, to invite each member to be included in the process. The Recording Clerk keeps the minutes, reading aloud occasionally to make sure that the whole group is in unity with what is recorded. Others present work to bring a spirit of worship to the discussion, listening deeply to each other. In the end, a well-run Meeting for Business can unite us in love, as a group, regardless of the matter at hand.

Committees and Officers
Friends did not abolish the clergy so much as abolish the laity: each of us is called to ministry. Much of the work of the Meeting is accomplished in committees. Committees bring updates, proposals, and reports to the wider community during Meeting for Business. Robust engagement in committee work supports the health of the wider Meeting.
What are the different committees and what do they do?
Trustees are legally responsible to receive, hold, and protect real and personal property of the Meeting.
Care and Oversight Committee
Because we see each person as a minister, Friends collectively accept responsibility for the pastoral work that would be performed by a paid minister. This committee tracks and coordinates meeting the personal needs of members and regular attenders—needs for encouragement, counsel, and support.
Care and Oversight Committee Charge
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee informs and advises the Meeting regarding cash available for operations and information about account balances of cash and investments. It also prepares the annual budget and presents it to Meeting for Business.
Ministry and Counsel Committee
The Ministry and Counsel Committee cares for the spiritual health and refreshment of the Meeting. The Committee cares specifically for Meeting for Worship.
Ministry and Counsel Committee Charge
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee recommends people to serve on the various committees within the meeting community.
Property Committee
As stewards of our meetinghouse and grounds, this committee maintains the building and grounds for present use and preserves them for future generations, while respecting the historic legacy of the property.
Officers of the Meeting:
Clerk - The Clerk is responsible for the administration of our Meeting and is sensitive to the guidance of the Spirit in the conduct of our Meetings for Worship with a Concern for Business (AKA Meetings for Business). This includes preparation, leadership, and follow up of Meetings for Business. The Clerk handles correspondence to and from the Meeting.
Assistant Clerk – The Assistant Clerk substitutes when needed.
Recording Clerk – The Recording Clerk records the actions of Meeting for Business.
Treasurer – The treasurer maintains and tracks the Meeting’s budget.
Assistant Treasurer – The Assistant Treasurer substitutes when needed.
Recorder – The recorder maintains the statistics of the members and attenders of the Meeting (e.g, number of members, new members, deaths, withdrawal of membership).
Librarian – The Librarian maintains the Meeting’s library of books and other publications.
Archivist – The Archivist maintains the Meeting’s archive of historic documents and records.
Burial Ground Administrator – The Burial Ground administrator oversees activity of the burial ground: burials, burial plot acquisitions, and maintenance of the burial ground (with the Property Committee).